I've been feeling a little "coughy" lately. It seems like it is a seasonal thing, which suggests allergies. What I'm pretty sure is that it's a cough that's caused by a post nasal drip. Again that seems to indicate allergies. Whatever is causing it I wish it would stop.
I've read a bit about possible causes/cures on the Internet and I actually bought one of those weird "dump water through your nose" things... I think it's called a Neti pot. Anyway - it's not a pleasant thing to pour water into your nose. My reasoning? Why would I do this? Well, there are a number of reasons one develops a post nasal drip. One is that there is simply too much mucus in the sinuses. Another is a potential fungal infection. A third is an allergy. Since the problem presents itself mostly indoors and around spring/summer I am inclined to believe that it's an allergy. Probably a dust allergy (it's easy to imagine me being allergic to the feces of dust mites). For any of these potential problems a simple solution is to clean out the allergen/fungus/mucus with a wash. We'll see if it helps. I'm not sure it will, but I hope so.
My beautiful wife thinks I'm just over analyzing it. I hope she's right and it's just a cough or whatever.
I also ran across this video on YouTube. It's pretty cool, though has nothing to do with what I'm talking about.