Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Nobody knows

I've had the impulse lately to write in a blog, and since I have this one I thought I'd put it here. I've changed the name and everything to reflect my new theme - no theme at all.

I'm very excited to be done with school. I do have this strange feeling in the back of my mind that I'm not done for good, but I think I am. I have a final paper to finish, an Old Testament exam to take, and pretty much an entire on-line physics class to finish. I feel close. The physics is mostly just word problems like the classic two-trains one.

I think I have a finish-related problem. Whenever I'm close to the end of a project or anything like that I feel this strange desire to stretch it out, almost like I'm afraid of being done for some reason. It doesn't make sense. I feel lazy because of it. I feel like I'm not getting enough done purely because I don't want to get anything completed... I know I have a lot to do after I'm done, but the last step is always hard to make myself take. It's like that with my last paper. It's supposed to be about 10 pages. I have 8 and I know what I need to write to finish it. Why am I writing a blog instead? Because I want to understand why I don't feel like finishing this class, and I hoped that writing about my feelings would help them become clearer to me.

They're not.

I also have a project to finish for work that I am having trouble focusing on. I think that's a little different, though. For some reason when it comes to work and school my brain won't allow me to really focus on both. I can't even really switch between them. If I'm working on a project for work then I neglect my homework. If I'm working on homework I can't seem to add 1 and 1 for work. The simplest things become hard. I think these two problems might be related, but I don't know why or how.

My wife, on the other hand, is a master at finishing things (except food and diet coke cans).  She writes well and fast.  Well fast.  I envy her that.  She is so organized and I am trying hard to learn that from her.  I do my best to keep the house clean.  I've even started washing the dishes even before I'm done cooking.  That makes the food cold by the time we eat, but that's the sacrifice I make for cleanliness.  Unfortunately cleanliness is not the same as organization.  It's part, I'm sure... but whenever my wonderful wife cleans my office I feel like it becomes less organized.  I guess I'm not taking this cleanliness thing to heart.

But I digest...

I am going to finish that paper NOW!!!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Luke vs the Volcanic Cough

I've been feeling a little "coughy" lately.  It seems like it is a seasonal thing, which suggests allergies.  What I'm pretty sure is that it's a cough that's caused by a post nasal drip.  Again that seems to indicate allergies.  Whatever is causing it I wish it would stop.

I've read a bit about possible causes/cures on the Internet and I actually bought one of those weird "dump water through your nose" things... I think it's called a Neti pot.  Anyway - it's not a pleasant thing to pour water into your nose.  My reasoning?  Why would I do this?  Well, there are a number of reasons one develops a post nasal drip.  One is that there is simply too much mucus in the sinuses.  Another is a potential fungal infection.  A third is an allergy.  Since the problem presents itself mostly indoors and around spring/summer I am inclined to believe that it's an allergy.  Probably a dust allergy (it's easy to imagine me being allergic to the feces of dust mites).  For any of these potential problems a simple solution is to clean out the allergen/fungus/mucus with a wash.  We'll see if it helps.  I'm not sure it will, but I hope so.

My beautiful wife thinks I'm just over analyzing it.  I hope she's right and it's just a cough or whatever. 

I also ran across this video on YouTube. It's pretty cool, though has nothing to do with what I'm talking about.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Luke's last post. He's crazy and doesn't know what he's talking about...seriously, I think he might be insane. Someone help me! Ah! jk. But seriously, disregard it entirely. We don't watch HGTV nor do we even live together. I don't know what he's talking about.


I have been dreaming of one day owning a house. We (Brittany and I) watch the Home and Garden channel a lot and get bothered by all the people who seem to think that the colors on the walls are a good reason to not buy a house, or a good reason to buy one. There's a lot of shows about staging, which seems odd. There can't really be that many people willing to pay lots of money to get someone else to have all the fun of designing and decorating their house.

It's also difficult to dream about being able to change things in your own house and then not even having the freedom to fix things that need fixing. Our bathroom floors are kind of gross. They seem to get that way normally, but this is a little excessive. There is more to it than dirt. They are stained, torn and warped... a lot. Probably other stuff too. You'd have to ask Brittany to get a full list.


Also I am a poor communicator. I keep blaming it on my wife and it's not fair. That is all.

Monday, April 13, 2009

My Wife: The Sweetest Thing

It's been a while since I've written a blog, and it's about time!

I dedicate this blog henceforth and forever to my wife. She is the best and her blogs inspire me to also contribute to the vast nothingness that is internet publishing. Hers is the brightest light guiding me in a sea of largely unimportant (and often inaccurate) facts, opinions and innuendo. Happily for me I understand her innuendo.

This semester has been unique. I have been (for the most part) very responsible about doing my homework and reading my assignments. Most of the time I only really do the first 10 or so reading assignments and only start my writing assignments 12 hours or less before they are due (often 12 or so hours after). This semester I have done nearly every scriptural reading assignment and about 90% of my writing was done more than 12 hours before it was due! This has had very little effect (I think) on how much I actually learned, but it has been more relaxing and less taxing on my mind. It's all because my wife inspires me. She's not perfect, but scholastically compared to me she is much much closer. She is also more creative than me, which is saying a lot since I am so creative. Ok, maybe it's only saying a little since I am at least a little creative. Either way I admire her writing a lot.

I love her.

She has had a difficult semester and I am so proud of her. She has worked hard and done (I think) admirably under the pressure of working full time as well as being a full time student. Lucky for me she has somehow also found time to be with me and make me feel like the luckiest man alive (which is only natural; since I am) to be her husband. She really is the sweetest thing. Brittany, you're the best and I think you're also the only one who will actually read this.

Here's to you! Cheers!

Friday, March 6, 2009


Focus. Determination. Destination. Understanding. Clarity. Progress. Collection. Recollection. Consideration. Forethought. Organization. Plan. Goal. Score. Tally. Success. Afterthought.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Wishing I Could Be With My Wonderful Wife

Times are tough. Winter has been long and icy. While the cold isn't really that hard for me to deal with, my wife is much more susceptible to it and so it worries me a little. Ice can be fun, in small amounts and when it's under control. Driving in Utah this winter has been more like skating in cars. For some reason (probably paranoia surrounding the economy) Utah has decided to neither plow nor salt the roads. Well, the main roads get plowed like a week or two after it snows. Needless to say; my California bride is less confident driving on ice. I don't blame her at all. I just wish that the roads were getting better with time. It rained for a few days last week. At the end of it I was hopeful that the ice rink that is our parking lot would be easier to use now. Then it snowed again.

Brittany got new responsibilities at work!!! I'm so excited for her! She deserved them months ago, I say, but I'm still glad she finally got them.

Valentines Day is coming up. This is my first V-Day as a husband and I'm stoked, but a little scared that I'm going to "drop the ball." I like doing nice things for my beautiful wife, but for some reason when I do I never really feel like it's enough. When I'm not sure of myself she picks up on it and gets anxious as well. None of this is overt or even recognized but I know that I need to be confident in what I do, especially gifts. She wants these sandals that we found at the mall, but I haven't had the time to go buy them yet. I hope they still have them when I do.

Anyway - I'm just sitting here wishing I could be with my wife right now. Time to get back to work, I guess.

Friday, January 16, 2009

"Delay of Game"

Apparently it's raining... or snowing... or somthing. Heroes is not going to continue the season until the beginning of February. Looks like I'm not alone in my critique.

Here's a quote from NBC's President of Primetime Entertainment (yeah that's a long title) Bromstad:

“‘Heroes’ is very secure,” she says. “We have a great relationship with Tim Kring … what’s important is we never lose sight of being responsible in production. And television is about the characters and the writing, and we want to make sure that that show is on track. But very secure. I think that what Tim is interested in doing is getting back to the core of the show and that it’s these ordinary people with extraordinary powers and that they may have taken on too much in terms of characters and multiple storylines.”

I'd bet that their interest in "characters" and "writing" will really only extend to keeping the core TV basics: a hot teeager/model, a hot young hero, obligatory sidekicks, one attractive arch-nemesis and plenty of less-attractive villains.

Basically stated, I think their executive problem with the show is the large number of actors' salaries they were having to pay in a show whose ratings are dropping. The easy way for them to "fix" the show is to trim the "dead wood." While this is a good idea, I doubt it will help their writers to actually make the story cool again.